Department of Justice
Department of Finance

Dept of Justice Secure Fitout

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This fitout for the Department of Justice – across three levels of Golden Square, in a prime St George’s Terrace location – was inspired by a Mid-Century Modern aesthetic.

The design sought to capture a New York Law and Order feel, with a warm, minimalist style. Accents in the form of plush and jewel-toned furnishings and textures are set against industrial-styled architectural elements.

SPH introduced a timeless and stylish aesthetic for key functional spaces, to reduce distractions without the need for physical isolation or enclosure.

Each floor boasts a Central Hub where strong, rich colours saturate the functional spaces within, emphasising this sense of enclosure and intimacy.

For the workstations, enhanced visual connections foster greater collaboration as required, and encourage a sense of equality amongst peers without disrupting focused work.

The project was negatively impacted by Covid-19 delays, but SPH managed the contractual timeframes well despite those challenging circumstances.  

Key personnel were on hand to manage unforeseen problems, and the client praised our team, whose interior design was described as “exceptional and commended by the agency”.  

This new workplace has had an extremely positive and tangible effect on employee energy levels and collaboration, with staff and visitors all extolling the “sense of calm throughout the space” and the “beautiful new surroundings”.

Department of Finance
$3.3 million
DMax Photography

“I write to you to express the gratitude of the Court and Tribunal Services division in relation to the design and fitout of our new offices at Golden Square.

Since the relocation from our previous facilities, there has been a sense of renewed energy throughout the workplace due to the beautiful new surroundings. The office design is light, modern and creates a sense of calm throughout the space. Further, the staff have commented on a more positive and collaborative atmosphere due to the open plan design, high quality finishes and the extensive views across the business floors.

I also note that in the time from our relocation to the new facilities, a number of external visitors have positively commented on the design and layout of the offices.”

Joanne Stampalia
Executive Director, Court and Tribunal Services,
Department of Justice


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